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Flowers of Light

The opening piece of art was made by the four graders in the community. Lead by the artist Vladimir Stoces, the task for each student was to, out of recycled plastic material and LED lamps, create a flower showing the persons own identity. Mixed together, the flowers turned into the opening installation on Smögen square


Pond 1&2
Heather Keith, CAN

Heather Keith was represented on three various sites at the festival 2018.


My Light Future 
Aleksandra Stratimirovic, SWE

Aleksandra Stratimirovic wants to explore if commercial signs can communicate another content than the ordinary. Hers deal with phrases picked up in interviews with 3 to 6 years old children. Their thoughts about life and the future.

2018-35 Angel Wings by Vladimir Stoces (1).jpg

Angel Wings
Vladimir Stoces, SWE


Light Instalation.

TeresaMar_Luminescence_IOL'18_03 - Kopie.jpg

Teresa Mar, AUS

To honor Smögen, the world-famous artist Teresa Mar from Austria presented a specific work of art, with historical photos of people and places on the island mixed into her sparkling colors. She says: “Using art light, I am building bridges between the present and the past”.


Studenter vid Dalarnas högskola, SWE

A WOW-moment for all visitors, made by a group of first graduates from the Institution of Audio-Visual Production at the University of Dalarna. Under the quite strange name “Svärmors tunga” (eng. The mother-in-law´s tongue), they made this 40 minutes long 3D-mapping-projection on the cliff Hästen (eng The Horse) in the bay Vallevik.


Light Spiral
Paul Friedlander, UK

What the world-famous light artist Paul Friedlander talked about in his workshop (länk till Talks&Workshops), he presented in real life in front of one of the beautiful cliffs of Smögen. He said:” I am still childishly fascinated by turning motion into color, and I want to discover it over and over again”.

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Secret Garden
Heather Keith, CAN

To reach the cliffs of Kleven ( a part of Smögen) you passed through a world of fantasy created by the Light Artist Heather Keith from Canada/Sweden.

Island of Light9_smogen 2018- Photo Cred Asaf KligerAMALL.jpg

A parasitic gesture
Rune Guneriussen, NOR

Significant for Rune Gunerussen from Norway is the so-called IKEA-lamps placed in a landscape to create suggestion. He says: “In a way it shows mankind´s brutal effect on the environment”.


 Interactive corner

On a screen sensitive to light, people joined to scribble with their cell phones.


Smögens square

Gallery 2018

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© 2018 ISLAND OF LIGHT- Smögen

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